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Home Made Vegan Mozzarella that Melts!

Blog Readers: I swear I have not abandoned you. It started out as a week-long vacation on a scheduled family trip to Las Vegas. I typically cook my recipes over the weekend. I hopped in my VW Golf, heading East in hopes of instant wealth, quality family time, sinful fun and free vodka. 

Take note: Delicious vegan food was not mentioned as I assumed everyone in Vegas eats meat-fried-meat. 

My family and I were having an amazing time, albeit I was a little bitter because everyone else seemed to be winning money except me. On Sunday, we headed over to the Rio because they offer a $10 voucher for their slot machines. There's a catch, though. You have to use it on slots that are at least a $1 value. We grab some food first, then secure our vouchers. I wander over to the bar for a strong mid-day libation, then notice: HOLY SHIT! MY ID IS GONE!! 

Let me dissect the deeper meaning here: I look no older than 14. For the first 2 days in Vegas, I was carded at least 20+ times per day. Without and ID, I was reduced to drinking fruit punch in the hotel lobby...and a wasted $10 free voucher! The Jew in me was raging. I start freaking out. While my family is doing their best to calm me, I run about 15 circles around the casino, crawling under stools [that people were sitting on] and reaching between slot machines. I check with the Security desk. No such luck. In a state of utter despair, I leave my number at the lost and found, then go outside to cry on the staircase. 

Then, by some stroke of magic, my sister exchanged a few words with the Customer Care desk, and my ID was delivered back to me safely. Exhausted and still slightly drunk, I thank her and all of the staff profusely. "Let me just use up my voucher here, then we can go back to our hotel and take a nap." I run back inside, throw my voucher into a $1 slot, but I accidentally hit the "Bet All" button. 

"Dammit!!!",  I screamed. I was DONE.

I thought this cursed day could really get much worse. I hit the "Spin Reels" button, and all of a sudden, $$$$$ flashes across the screen. 

I had hit the goddamn jackpot. I actually felt stupid for being so mad at myself.

Thankfully, the universe reminded my that good and bad coexist in every moment. Quite an ending to a dramatic day. That jackpot couldn't have come at a better time. I'm packing up my apartment and moving to West Hollywood - the other reason for lackadaisical blogging. Hopefully, I'll be settled in my new kitchen within the next week or two. My life can resume it's usual business. 

Side note, I'm fostering this adorable Jack Russel/Chihuahua mix, and she's adorable. It feels great to give an animal a temporary home, but parting ways is always difficult. At least I know she will have a great home for the rest of her life unless her new parents don't want to keep breathing.

Enjoy this recipe, kids. Don't be afraid of the cost of Agar. I cook all the time, and I've yet to go through the entire bottle I bought about a year ago. I can't wait to get my hands on some Carrageenan and really go to town experimenting.

Home-Made Vegan Mozzarella

  • 1 package Extra Soft Silken Tofu
  • 1 cup Vegan Heavy Cream (thickest you can find)
  • 1/2 TBSP Kosher Salt
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 tsp Rice Vinegar
  • 4 tsp Agar Powder
Place Tofu, Vegan Heavy Cream, Kosher Salt, Garlic Powder and Rice Vinegar in a blender or food processor, and blend on high until it's a completely liquid consistency. Place the mixture in a small sauce pan, stir in the Agar Powder, and allow to sit for 5 minutes. 

Over medium heat, bring the contents of the sauce pan to a boil, stirring occasionally. As soon as it begins to boil, immediately remove from heat and pour all of it into an 8x8 (or close in size) baking dish. 

Smooth over the top of the Mozzarella as if you were frosting a cake, then place into the refrigerator for a few hours until completely set. 

Use as you would any of your favorite vegan cheeses. It shreds, slices, and even does my taxes.



Ricki said…
That sounds like some holiday!! But first: YOUR PUPPY IS ADORABLE! Okay, now that's out of the way--congrats on the jackpot (Whoah!). And the cheese looks great--I'm not scared of agar, but don't use mimicreme. Do you think coconut milk would work?
Gina said…
Holy wtf, you actually won the jackpot? Like, a lot? That's awesome!

If this cheese seriously melts, I love you, that sounds so cool. Not to mention I bought some agar powder a few months ago and have yet to even crack into it!
Foodeater said…
1. I have been fortunate enough to taste Ms. Shaggy's mozzarella and can attest to the fact that it was very tasty and totally passes for the real thing.

2. Your puppy is so cute I might have to eat it.
Alicia said…
Nice! (The jackpot, the puppy and the cheese) If I can't find Mimicreme here can I sub something else?
Jes said…
Holy crap, that cheese does melt! And holy crap about the jackpot (and somehow them finding your ID)!
quarrygirl said…
i wanna meet your puppy!!! so fucking adorable.

i'm relieved to hear you found your id...and won some money. talk about a turn for the better.

ooooh and yes that cheese is the bomb.
VeganView said…
I have never read your blog before now, and I love it! Besides all that awesome passover goodness, I need to try that home-made mozzarella. I will be keeping up with your blog from now on. :)
Adriana said…
Woman, you're busy! Only you would make your own vegan "cheese."

PS, the pups... Kyut!
Wow Jenn, that looks amazing!
janelle said…
Your new puppy is adorable, congratulations! I loved the Vegas story and I'm glad everything worked out. Thanks for sharing the cheese recipe!
Tami said…
The puppy is adorable, the cheese looks amazing...and I love the happy ending with the jackpot!

Hope your move goes smoothly.
Foodeater said…
I would be ok with a name like Dogeater knowing it was in honor of your tasty puppy!!! ;)

Oh, and don't think I didn't try the chicken paramagiana (at That's Amore) ... just wasn't able to get a good photo fit to print. It was off the hook!
chris said…
awesome puppy! could you give the brand name of tofu? i have a box of mori nu soft silken, but i've never seen extra soft silken. thanks. i would love to make my own cheeze!
Anonymous said…
It's about time you posted again. I have been sitting at my computer for the past 16 days since you last posted desperately awaiting. Lo and behold here you are posting about cheese. Melting cheese.
I want to melt this hott cheese all over my hottttt body 4 ur pleazure.
I can't wait to try this! However, I need to be enlightened about extra soft silken tofu; I've never seen it.

Thank goodness you found your ID and even better that you hit the jackpot! Congratulations!

Let me know if you need any help with the move. Oh, and your new puppy is so adorable!
Jenn Shagrin said…
Dear Anonymous AKA Leigh...
I anxiously await the day you rub this "hott cheese" all over your "hottttt body" for my personal enjoyment. Please send photos to:

Veganize It World Headquarters
c/o Jenn Shagrin
525 Broadway
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Wow, check you out! Jackpots, moving, puppies, faux cheese?!

Guess what? I'm coming to town next week & expect to see you! Can Strummer meet your pup?!
Unknown said…
Your puppy is adorable!!!
miss v said…
first, i was stoked about the cheese. then i was enamored with with new puppy and totally forgot about awesome cheese. does ms. adorable have a name? i promise i won't try to dog-nap her, although i totally want to.

ps - i buy my agar at the asian market and it's like $1.79. soooo cheap. although i suck at cooking with it... but that's a good tip so people aren't afraid of the cost. :)
Anonymous said…
any advice for using agar flakes?
miss v said…
cute name!

i've used agar powder and flakes before. they aren't catastrophes, but i usually feel like it could have been better. i'll keep trying - this is a recipe i'd like to make!
Anonymous said…
first of all, take claim to the pup, yes she is a triowned dog (i'm not taking the ass end) :) second it was the MEXICAN SECRECT UNDERGROUND MAFIA OF RIO that got your id. thank them, and my coworkers for teaching me spanish. :) <333
Jenn Shagrin said…
I have only used Agar Powder...I've heard the flakes aren't as effective.
Your puppy is adorable! Good luck on the move! I can't wait to try this cheese...I have wanted to try a cheese recipe for awhile now!
Jenny Flamingo said…
Hello, What is the weight of the tofu? About 8 ounces or 16 ounces?
That looks tasty :)
Cheers from France,
Cherry Zombie
Nick said…
Cherry Zombie,
I think the most common silken tofu in the US is Mori-Nu:
So one package would be 12oz. (340g).
Anonymous said…
what is MimicCreme?!
Jenn Shagrin said…
It's a vegan heavy cream substitute...
Christopher said…
I see they sell sweetened and unsweetened MimicCreme. I'm guessing you used the unsweetened?
Christopher said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
You have no idea how excited I am! I am dying to make my old Eggplant Parmesan, I used to use the bufala milk kind, but, you know, ew! Now I can try this with an almond parmesan and I'm back in business
electrobunny said…
Hey sorry if this is a silly question. The cheese looks great! Does it store well, how long can you keep it for? Would it freeze well? Thanks :) Seren
Unknown said…
a few people asked about substitutes for mimicreme, but I didn't see any answers; would silk soy creamer work? I looked at the ingredients for mimicreme and they include almonds and cashews, so would some blend of almonds, cashews, and water work?
Jenn Shagrin said…
Shoot me an e-mail at, and I'll go over some of the alternatives with you.
Anonymous said…
Does this cheese harden like dairy cheese as it sets?
Anonymous said…
Hi boy!
mmmmm ... that rich. that is to eat delicious Vegan Home-Made Mozzarella Melts That right now the truth when melted mozzarella cheese I love. thanks for the information. I was looking for information on viagra online and by chance I found your blog and I really liked.
Unknown said…
I make a heavy cream substitute in my Vitamix. I usually start out with equal parts raw cashews and water, and then just keep adding water until it is the right texture/consistency. Super easy-you can add sugar to use it as an ice cream base. Freakishly close to the real thing...
faerydustpixy said…
I do not know what I did wrong! I followed the entire recipe to the letter but it did not come out right at all. It did not melt, and it was just a crumbly texture like soft tofu. Although it tasted very good, it was more of a feta than a mozzarella for me.
relansat said…
something like my wife prepared this past week. true, it melts in your mouth. is extremely good

Tobemeghan said…
I am excited to find this recipe. I have been a vegetarian for 10yrs and a vegan for a few months now. Something that I REALLY miss is cheese especially mozzarella. I can't wait to try this recipe but was wondering if there was any substitute to MimicCreme. There aren't any stores in my area that carry it and paying shipping makes it to expensive for my budget. I have been reading about it, would almond milk work or sightly thickened almond milk (or soy for that matter). I make my soy milk and it is quite thick.

Thanks for the great recipes!
relansat said…
Rollbacks aren't a service we offer to players and, for the most part, players tend to have a vast misconception over what a rollback actually is. Allow me to explain.

budapesta perla dunarii
relansat said…
Some people might say that I am using a third party tool to shoot a styx like 15-20 times during a BDW. When in fact I put on my str armor and accessories along with my strength bow (enion) to increase my carrying weight. I am not trying to feign ignorance here. I am genuinely puzzled as to why my account was blocked.

fara celulita
relansat said…
I've seen a few of the testing-stage forms of the tools and even tested one myself. Assuming all goes as it should, the new tools should allow us to drop investigation times down by a vast amount of time and difficulty. With that sort of reliable function in place, we might be able to bring back item restorations since it would be easier to perform investigations and filter out abuse.

beyonce se mentine in forma
relansat said…
The prizes will be distributed when Korlash has the time to do so. He's aiming for sometime this week, but it may take up until next week to complete. He's a rather busy person.

construction maintenance logo
relansat said…
If the big maintenance is over, can we be sure that the players who made NPT will be banned if you get your tools again?
Please refer to post 1108.

relansat said…
The policy about not revealing cheaters and stuff in forum and in-game was proposed by K2 directors or it's something that has to do with MGAME?

cadouri craciun
relansat said…
Whenever we perform database searches to spot bug abuse or to locate abusers, we set a certain criteria and then go through the results by hand to fish out only the suspicious or blatantly guilty parties. Just stumbling across the bug once or twice before you realized what it was is unlikely to get you flagged.

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relansat said…
Secondly, the GM tools being built for our use are not developed by MGame. They are built by our own database specialist and GamersFirst employee, as were the previously existing GM tools. MGame handles updates and alterations to the game content and data.

relansat said…
So from what you're saying to TheOnlyTruePrime, I'm going to assume you are getting most of your tools back very soon? Or is it just specifically for this event, because I'd rather wait another 6 months and have all the tools functioning than only have a few and risk getting totally scruwed over by one of the MANY MAAAANNYY bugs that probably will be released upon the players.

relansat said…


Not to the best of my knowledge. There has been discussion over alternative forms of log in and security at the gate, but I haven't heard anything tabled for an actual physical password generator. I have serious doubts over something like that being produced for KOL -- the creation and distribution of such real-world items would be crazy. It'd be much more resource and energy friendly to develop a virtual equivalent.
relansat said…
That number of servers would be quite crowded, but I feel that's the bare minimum KOL could get along with. I'd go up to as many as seven servers just to be safe.
relansat said…
Look folks, I like to assume we're all intelligent young adults-to-adults here. Critical thinking is not a hard feat to accomplish and you'd be amazed at what you can do if you just think about it for a second. This doesn't need anything beyond rudimentary logic to figure out.
relansat said…
en it comes to false positives with the APR, that happens when the APR spots something that behaves similar to the way third party tools do, but it doesn't know exactly what it is. It could be an innocent antivirus scan, or a bit of malware, or a third party tool the APR hasn't been precisely updated to observe yet. Those APR bans are also labeled in a unique manner, so I'm able to filter out all cases that are not associated with an exact known third party tool. Normally I'd be tempted to unblock all the accounts banned under an unidentified trigger like this, but since those bans have just as much chance of being caused by a yet-to-be-recognized third party tool, I have to err on the side of caution and leave them blocked.

routage emailing
Hi- I realize this is an older post, but I have a question- did you use the vacuum-packed silken tofu, or water-packed? They are significantly different sizes, so I am wondering how I should adjust for that. Thanks!
Joelle said…
Well, I didn't do such a good job on this. = ( I tried my own mimicreme. I'm going to guess that was the problem because everything else was the same. It tastes good, but it still seems to have a bit of a tofu texture; it didn't firm up enough to slice or shred = (
Anonymous said…
Mine didn't melt, tastes good but went crispy in the oven. I made my own mimic creme too- is that the problem? I'd appreciate any suggestions!
Suenell said…
I too was confused with the "mimic creme". What IS it? Can I make my own with soy milk powder & water?
Loulou said…
I also wonder if i could use any other cind of vegan cream? soy-cream? or other cashew-cream? or like someone wrote: use mixed nuts and water? thanks for awsome recepie!
Unknown said…
PLEASE everyone WATCH earthlings and gary yourofsky on youtube PLEASE and PLEASE go vegan it's better for us it's better for the animals and it's better for the planet that we live on and be careful sugar is not vegan because of the bone char just search online for vegan sugar brands or just call the company or e mail them and ask them if they use bone char and be careful with the products that contain sugar just read the ingredients btw evaporated cane juice is vegan
Grege Porcus said…

I followed this recipe completely, except that instead of this 'mimicreme' I made my own cashew nut cream.

I am not getting a texture like yours look in the photo.
I use agar agar powder.
The turns from liquid to something kind of stiff yes, but I could definitely not shred or slice it. It is exactly like a pudding texture. It gets a shape, but easily falls apart and you can spoon it like pudding.

If anyone have any ideas why this could be, I'd be glad to hear them.

Grege Porcus said…
Also, it didn't melt which was. It was actually a bit like cottage cheese, which wasn't too bad at all, but not what I intended.
My sister sent me a recipe that has mozzarella in it, so I googled and found your recipe for Vegan mozzarella. I was tickeled until I tried to find the creme stuff.

Now what do we do?
Unknown said…
Can I substitute mimicreme with anything because there isn't any available here?